:: Festival Program & Locations 2024

Here we provide all informations of our ticket office, workshop studios and milonga locations.

Most of our Festival venues are located in the neighbourhood of Schöneberg and Kreuzberg - close neighbourhoods are also are Friedrichshain - Neukölln or Mitte. If you plan your accomodation it is very useful to find something in Kreuzberg or nearby. You can google Hotel or Hostel in Berlin Kreuzberg and you will get plenty of suggestions. Also sharing and appartment or room with Flatshare companys are plenty of offers in these neighbourhoods..

here a map of all our venues:

Workshops & Festival Office: Zapatissimo und MalaJunta - Kolonnenstr. 29, 10829 Berlin

MalaJuntaZapatissimoAvailable workshoptickets you can purchase directly last minute at our studios please go directly to the studios

Opening hours: Thur/Fri./Sat. from 12 - 5.30 pm

Wednesday 18.9.2024

7:45 pm


Festival Warm Up Milonga Atipica - offizielle Festival collaboration -

For all who are earlier in Berlin. we are happy about our kind collaboration with this beloved monthly queer Milonga in Berlin hosted by Yana and Victoria.

7:45-8:45 pm Open class - Gastteacher: Ray Sullivan (Miami)
9:00 -0:30 pm Milonga - DJ Andres Ozzuna (San Francisco)

Admission at the door: 20 EUR Open class + Milonga
10 EUR Milonga only


Venue: MalaJunta, Kolonnenstr. 29, 10829 Berlin
Thursday 19.9.2024
12-5.30 pm - Workshops at MalaJunta & Zapatissimo - Kolonnenstr. 29 - 10829 Berlin
9.00 Uhr - open end - Opening MILONGA
Practica 9-10 pm: Karen Johnson (Philadelphia) & Andres Ozzuna (San Francisco)
DJ: Gökce Ceren Haznedar (Berlin)
ca. 11.30 pm
Lily Chenlo (BA) & Dilara Ogretmen (Berlin)
  Door: 24 EUR
Venue: Bebop Berlin, Pfuelstr. 5 10997 Berlin
Friday 20.9.2024
12-5.30 pm - Workshops at MalaJunta & Zapatissimo - Kolonnenstr. 29 - 10829 Berlin

21 Uhr. - open end - Friday Milonga
Practica 9 pm: Karen Johnson (Philadelphia) & Andres Ozzuna (San Francisco)
DJ: Olivier Varlet (Paris)
ca.23.30 p.m

Fabian Kipp (Deutschland) & Carlos Paredes (Kolumbien)

  Door: 24 EUR
Venue: TangoLoft Berlin - @ Külhaus (5. OG) - Luckenwalderstr. 3 - 10963 Berlin
Saturday 21.9.2024
12-5.30 pm Workshops at MalaJunta & Zapatissimo - Kolonnenstr. 29 - 10829 Berlin

9 pm - 4 am - GALA NIGHT at Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche Kreuzberg
Practica 9 pm: Karen Johnson (Philadelphia) & Andres Ozzuna (San Francisco)
DJ: Deborah Maus (Berlin)
Live-Music: Nochero Cuartetto (Berlin)
ca.11.30 pm
Ezgi Turmus (Turkey) & Kathrine Gorsuch (Berlin)
  Abendkasse: 34 EUR
Venue: Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Zossener Strasse 65, 10961 Berlin Kreuzberg | www.halle-luja.berlin
Sunday 22.9.2024
5.30 - 7.30 pm
Changing the World One Tango at a Time
Ray Sullivan
Book presentation "Changing the World One Tango at a Time" by Ray Sullivan (Miami)

free admission

Venue: Rauschgold, Mehringdamm 62, 10961, Berlin

The book is published and available by Abrazos Tangoverlag in English and Spanish - order your copy on their Website www.abrazosbooks.com
8 pm- 2 am - FARE-WELL MILONGA
DJ: Peggy LaBaronne (Paris)
Special guest: Live music: Ana Stamponi y Brisa Videla (Buenos Aires) btw. 8-9 pm

Show ca. 23.30 Uhr: Gaston Olguin & Manuco Firmani (BA)

  Door: 15 EUR
Venue: Ballhaus Walzerlinksgestrickt, Am Tempelhofer Berg 7d 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg

Monday 23.9.2024 - Festival Charity Milonga
7.30 pm -0.30 am Festival Chill-Out After Milonga - Charity Milonga

Offizielle QT Festival Chill-out Milonga- Charity Milonga for a queer social projekt

  Dancing and caring together! Admission on donation base. all income goes 100% to our selected queer project:

DJ: Claudia Dance (Berlin)

DONATION: give what you can - 8 EUR or more :-)

This year we donate all income to :

"Education under the rainbow" of Landesverband AndersARTIG e.V.

Landesverband AndersARTiG e.V.

AndersARTIG e.V offers support and coaching for LSBTIQ-people - they coach individuals, teachers and institutions topices like coming-out, transition, relationships, love and sexual health or give support in cases of discrimination or violent incidents.


Venue: Paul Löbe Haus (Kantine)- Outdoor - direcly at the river - Konrad-Adenauer-Strasse 1, 10557 Berlin
Tuesday 24.9.2024 - El Contrapunto official Festival collaboration

7:00 pm


Milonga Contrapunto - official Festival cooperation -

for all who are longer in Berlin - we are happy about our kind cooperation with the beloved queer and openrole Milonga El Contrapunto hosted by Maria und Anna.

7-8 pm Open Class with Maria August und Gökce Ceren Haznedar (Berlin)

8pm - 1 am Milonga
live music: Ana Stamponi y Brisa Videla (Buenos Aires)

DJ: Jessica Carleson (Stockholm)

Door: Milonga 10-20 EUR sliding scale

Open Class & Milonga 15-20 EUR sliding scale

Venue: Regenbogenfabrik, Lausitzer Str. 21a, 10999 Berlin (Venue is in the backyard)



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